Holiday: Day Seven
5:42 pm & 06.09.02

This is my holiday diary, typed up when I got back :)

Nan and Uncle David wanted to go to Celtica...but as Mum, Dad and myself had been before...they went in to see the whole presentation and so on while we looked around the new displays and had a coffee/hot chocolate (guess who had what?). They had some computers set up to tell you more, which was all online, but there wasn't a keyboard! After making a joke about finding a way to hack into the computer behind the desk to check my emails, Dad told me that there was a cyber cafe in town!!! He pointed it out on the way was a slim, nondescriptive building I'd passed goodness knows how many times. I toddled up to see what was what, only to find it was closed. Typical!

After lunch Mum, Dad and myself went to the Centre of Alternative Technology while Nan and Uncle David went back to the bungalow (they forgot to tell us that they didn't want to go while we were wasting time waiting for them in the morning). It was very interesting a informative...a lot of what they suggested people should do in there own homes to save energy/cut down pollution etc, we already do. On top of that, Mum and I were in very silly moods...I think Dad was pretending he wasn't with us *g*

Had to pack when we got back and then we rented another film.

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