Tyler and the bees
5:17 pm & 21.09.02

About a month ago Tyler was stung on his chin by a bee. I was out at the time, so I missed it all. Mum had found him sitting by the fridge swaying from side to side, when she picked him up he was very cold and his breathing wasn't right. Dad was the one who realised what had happened and phoned the vets to find out what to do (he was only three months old, so they were obviously very worried about him). The vet told him to remove the sting and let him lay on someone's lap for about ten minutes, his temperature and breathing should return to normal and after twenty minutes he should be as good as new. Thankfully that is exactly what happened.

When I got home yesterday I was greeted by Mum rushing out of the back door and gesturing for me to hurry up. The following is pretty much what happened from then on:

Me: Whats up?
Mum: Its Tyler, he has just been stung by a bee, I need you to hold him so that I can get the sting out.
Me: OK. Where is it?
Mum: In his bum.
Me: His bum?
Mum: Yes, he sat on it.

So we got the sting out - which caused him to shoot off my lap and hide under a chair. He didn't have much of a reaction to the sting other then having a very sore bottom, which he tried to rectify by dragging himself along the carpet. Mum decided to put some antiseptic cream on it, so I had to hold him still once more while she went in. That caused him to cling onto my shoulder for dear life while trembling like a leaf. About ten minutes later he was out in the garden trying to get the towels on the washingline.

Twenty or so minutes ago I was checking my emails when I heard Mum shouting from the front room. I went to investigate and found her sitting down with Tyler in her arms. His top lip was very swollen, he was trembling and looking very sorry for himself. There was also a bee sting just under his nose. So the tweezers came out of the drawer along with the antiseptic once more.

He is fine now. When I left them to come back online he was eating a few of his doggy chocs.

Now, in all my twenty years of being on this planet, I have yet to be stung by a bee/wasp. Tyler has now managed to do it three times in four months...but not only that...he has also managed it two days running!! I think we will need to get him a little bee-keepers outfit.

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