it has wheels as well!
11:11 pm & 23.05.03

I have a new desk for my computer :) It has sliding draws for the keyboard, mouse and printer which means it takes up less room then my old one. It was a hassle getting it though. The first desk arrived on Wednesday when no one was at home (or to put it another way: two hours later then they said) so we had to get them to come out again. However, we soon found out that not only were there parts missing but a bit was also badly damaged, after I had dismantled my computer and moved my old desk out of my room that is. The second one arrived today but the bloke didn't have the paperwork to collect the original one, so we had two flatpacks blocking the hallway. As I am sure you have noticed, the key word with the desk is "flatpack". This means I needed help. Help came in the form of Dad. I sat their eating a yoghurt/playing with the dog while asking very unhelpful questions as he sorted and then assembled it. In my defense, I did successfully screw four of the metal-slidy things into place and they are still there!


I have said it before and I will say it again: my job would be a lot easier and far more enjoyable if it wasn't for the patients/customers who keep coming in and/or phoning up to demand things! I have enough to do without them adding to it!

I mean it.

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