10:47 pm & 10.06.03

Music: Tiziano Ferro "Imbranato"

Next Saturday is the last one I have to work!!! WooHoo!! Possibly the only bonus of getting my old hours back! If only there was a way of not having to work on Saturdays but still getting paid as if I do. Hmmm...

The information about the vacancies at the school arrived this morning. It looks pretty good (although I think the "about the area" leaflet was stretching the truth a little) so I am going for it. Rob said it was odd for me to even think about working at our old school, but its not as if I have only just left, it was five years ago and I've only been back once about three years ago - to see him in a play. That five years means that the pupils who were starting as I was leaving have gone through the whole system and are about to leave themselves. Anyway, the application deadline is the 20th June and they will let successful candidates know in time for interviews on the 26th June.

I think my hayfever is about to kick in again. As I only started to suffer from it last summer, I'm not sure how to judge whether it is the hayfever or just a few more sneezes then normal. Because of this, I have decided to save the whining until I am sure. Aren't I kind?!

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