the visitor
11:32 pm & 07.08.03

I was planning to have a couple of hours extra sleep today, as I wasn't due in at work until one o'clock, but Rob came round. As I was the only one in, I had to crawl out of bed to stop his nonstop doorbell ringing and shouts of "hurry up". He then spent all day online - I left at a quarter to twelve and he was just logging on...I finally dragged him off at eight thirty...only to find him back an hour later - stopping only to be annoying, smoke and eat. He is stopping the night, so this will be repeated tomorrow.

I do love him really.

He has shaved his head, so its all fuzzy, and I've been annoying him by rubbing it whenever he is within my sitting down. Used to do the same when we were little.

I want to go and see Pirates of the Caribbean tomorrow but I will probably go on Saturday.

Dad is taking the computers to the shop on Monday. He wants to get some routers fitted so that I don't need to access the internet through his. It makes sense, as its a waste of energy having two computers on when only one is in use. Mind you, he is the one who starts getting possessive when I check my emails quickly on his to save turning mine on. Men :/

I have to go and rescue my bed from a Jack Russell now. He is laying on his back with his legs in the dignified.

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