5:33 pm & 14.07.2002

I've just been reading some of my past first I was a bit concerned about the lack of emotion I've put into them, they're just telling you what I've been up to and so on...but then I thought about it and realised that I haven't been very emotional lately. I've just been...well...neither one thing nor another. Its hard to explain. I've had moments of being pissed off or happy, but nothing outstanding. Also, I used to have to wait until gone 9pm before I could get online, and by then I'd normally worked through whatever was going on or forgotten about it. You see, Mum and I can talk about anything. So if I come home and I'm angry about something, we have a cup of tea and talk about it and sort it out/moan/whatever.
I don't find it hard to talk about my emotions...I think its more that I don't think people really want to hear it. Yeah...I think thats more the truth then anything. lets give this ago. How do I feel right now? I feel a bit withdrawn, but I don't know why. :/

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